FAQ - How do I Grow Sunflowers for their Seeds?

Sunflower seeds are the easiest type of bird seed to grow. You can plant seeds directly from your birdseed supply or purchase different varieties of sunflower seeds from nurseries and gardening centers (take care to purchase flower types noted for producing abundant seeds, as some hybrids do not). Roasted seeds that are meant for human consumption, however, will not germinate and should not be used to try to grow birdseed.

Plant seeds 1-2 inches deep and 8-12 inches apart in loose soil and full sun. For the best results, plant sunflower seeds only when the spring is warm and all danger of frost is past. Staggering plantings over several weeks will allow plants to mature at different times and ensure an ongoing supply of ready-to-eat birdseed. Sunflowers can be planted in all types of soil, including deep containers, and supplemental fertilization is not needed. Too much fertilization can decrease the seed yield by damaging the seedlings.

Water the seeds every day (twice daily in very hot or dry climates) until the young plants are well established, then water thoroughly every other day.